When "classic Mansion" finally returned in 2025 after an unprecedented absence of approximately a year and a half, we found a lot more than a reimagined attic bride. Now that we've dealt with her (see previous post), it's time to review the rest. Some of the new stuff is very good, and some of it is . . . not.
But before all that we need to point out one more thing about the New Connie:
She's Still a Baddie, Not a Saddie
It seems that when they redid the hubby portraits in order to eliminate their insufficiently sensitive decapitations, no one on the team had enough presence of mind to realize that they also needed to redo Connie herself in the "Constance & George" portrait, because as things stand she is still indisputably identified with the Widow portrait in the stretching gallery. I've put up this montage before, more than once:
Graveyard Wraiths and Blue Mist
ghosts projected on the scrims in the graveyard are greatly improved.
No more spinning wheels. They now vary in speed and direction and you
find here and there a subtle waving motion. This is a 100% positive
improvement. Well done. (vid and stills: WDW News)
The Bat Cage Returns
This item appeared in 2023 for a couple of days near the Endless Hallway and then vanished.
It appeared again during the last Haunted Mansion Holiday in the Corridor of Doors. Now it has stayed behind for classic Mansion.
My sources say it's still on trial. If it doesn't go over well, they may reserve it for HMH alone. Some people don't like it, but I have no problem with it. (Someone somewhere is making a note: "Long-Forgotten says it's cool.") Why? Well, it fits in well enough with my read of the ride's narrative. To recap, I think that when we were downstairs the spooks were toying with us, trying to scare us off. There were paintings that appeared to stretch and change, not to mention the walls themselves. Other paintings flickered foreboding images with the lightning flashes. Busts appeared to follow our moves, but stopped moving when we stopped. A whole room seemed to open into an "eerily lit limbo of boundless mist and decay." The Ghost Host had taunted us with a dilemma: are these hallucinations or actual metamorphoses? They're messing with our heads, leaving us wondering if these haunted happenings are actually taking place or "just our imagination." It's a false dilemma, since it's also possible the ghosts can manipulate the very fabric of the building and its furnishings in some sort of real/unreal way.
When we get to the
second floor, where even the staff fears to tread, the gloves are off.
No more hide and seek. Now when they manipulate the fabric of the
building, they leave it that way, and they make a lot of noise
too. In the COD, the wallpaper and the "family portraits," which
presumably would have been normal-looking before we got there (like the
downstairs furnishings), have become grotesque and distorted, with no
return to "normal" to leave us wondering if we're seeing things. They're
done with that flickering-back-and-forth rubbish. They want you to know
they're real, and that perhaps you shouldn't have come this far.
The bat cage fits this environment fine. What was probably a bird in a cage before we got there (or more likely just an empty cage) now seems to have a gruesome little bat in it. If it had been downstairs, it would have been out of place, but in the COD it fits the environment satisfactorily.
The "Rolly" Chair is Back (But Still No Rotting Fruit)
No big thing, but the "Rolly" chair is back, the one they added in 2021
to the Séance Circle's airborne flotilla and later removed. At
the time I suspected that since they had used a commercial design, maybe they had failed to get proper permission. Well, either they got the necessary permission or that
was never an issue.
I wish they would restore the Purply Shroud over there, especially now that they've removed his twin brother in the graveyard crypt. I also wish that in the Ballroom they'd turn the rotting fruit effect back on. I can't help thinking it's basically just a light switch somewhere that people have forgotten about. It's one of those cool minor effects you only notice on your fiftieth ride or so.
Digital Hitchhikers
We all heaved a sigh of relief when the cartoon antics of the Orlando hitchhikers did not reappear in the Anaheim mirrors when they went to digital imagery. Instead we got a slavish reproduction of the original rod-puppets. I understand that they created these images from photos of the original figures rather then de novo using CGI. Good. Clearly they wanted everything to look the same as it always has. For this, THANK YOU, team. There has been criticism about the sharp cut-off line at the bottom of the figures, but that was an irritating feature of the old system too. My main worry was that the figures would look flat, since the old figures were genuinely three-dimensional, but the feedback I'm getting has been entirely positive, that they don't look flat. Also, they fade in and out at the beginning and the end of the line, "materializing and dematerializing," in ghost language.
It leaves you wondering why they bothered changing it at all. I presume it's a maintenance issue. The ghosty-go-round was a big, clanky, mechanical contraption requiring diligent upkeep. Barring electronic glitchery, there's now a lot less to go wrong. I regret the disappearance of the Victorian-era magic trick technology that went with the original, but I appreciate the effort to make the change not look like a change.
The Caretaker's Shed
thing is not really part of the "new queue" but a way of camouflaging
something utilitarian that apparently needs to be there. It's not bad
The New Queue
Again, we breathe a sigh of relief that we didn't get anything like the Orlando "interactive" queue, known around these parts as PLQ (Pepe le Queue). What this labyrinth of creamy walls and mostly off-the-shelf artwork most resembles is the Fastpass garden it displaced. In fact, most of the statuary from the latter has been retained here. A lot of this mundane "artwork" came from commercial catalogues of outdoor decor, and it shows. There is no uniformity of style, and with few exceptions, it lacks any spark of life. Some of the pieces are borderline kitsch. For example, more than one commentator has been put off by those garish bowling balls. I haven't seen anything down at "pink flamingo" level, but too much of this stuff is only a notch above "garden gnome" level.
Something that really puzzles me is the color palette. The warm, creamy surfaces—almost yellow—are anything but chill and foreboding, and with that red brick trim it almost has a "California Mission" feel to it, which is totally wrong here.
didn't they go with the sombre gray hues of the old queue? Disney
used to have the best colorists in the business (Mary Blair, John
Hench). What has happened?
I'm withholding judgment to some degree, because the place will no doubt look better once the plants have a chance to fill in. We shall see.
There are traces of wit here and there. Did you notice the skull face?
There are also doors left open for future development. No one knows yet what this safe is for:
But with that lighthouse on it, it's possible we're going to be seeing a tie-in with the S.E.A. master theme, although Kim Irvine associates this area with "Gracey." Huh? Make of that what you will.
Music is playing throughout the queue, very reminiscent of Phantom Manor, but for some reason it's more upbeat. I'd rather not have it, but it doesn't bother me much. Music is playing outside at DL just about everywhere, and in this case you could justify it as helping to mask all the other noise around you, stuff that you must screen out in order to maintain the illusion that you are at a haunted house in New Orleans. I suppose that for many people, the new music helps them get into that mindset. If I want, I can just screen it out like all the other noise.
Graveyard Lite?
there are plans to add more to it later (fingers crossed), but as
things stand, the berm graveyard has been considerably abbreviated. The "great eight"
set, paying tribute to the original Imagineers (plus Phineas Pock) is currently incomplete, and one of the four stones paying tribute to the 2016
team that brought back the graveyard is also missing. What's there looks
pretty bad at present, but when the plants have had a chance to grow up
it will no doubt look better. At least the stones all look like they
could actually have a grave in front of them, which was a major beef I
had with the 2016 incarnation. Maybe someone actually listened? If so,
So much for the queue. Architecturally, I don't get any New Orleans, ante-bellum vibes from it. It's not criminally bad, but it's not ominous or spooky, and your Long-Forgotten administrator finds it uninspired and uninteresting. It's Fastpass Gardens spread over what seems like half an acre. I will definitely miss the spacious and far more beautiful area it has replaced.
It's Time to Despond
Lastly, we have this Turdasaurus Rex. If you want to know what I think of Madame Leota's Somewhere Beyond, check out the video by this guy. Brickey's not my favorite Disney historian and I don't recommend all his
stuff, but he's dead right about MLSB, and he pulls no punches. In fact,
he says it's the worst structure ever erected at Disneyland. Is he
Yes. Yes, he is. See also this. (It's very good.) Nobody likes this building. You hear "Home Depot" and "Tuff Shed" among the more family-friendly mutterings, and in fact it didn't take long for sharp-eyed Disneylanders to recognize it as a brazen knock-off of a pre-fab barn: Armstrong's Legacy Post-and-Beam model 4236.
It's supposed to be the Mansion's old "carriage house," but as Brickey says, it looks nothing like
the sort of carriage house you'd expect to see alongside a New Orleans
ante-bellum plantation house. It looks like it's brand spanking new (because it is), and it's dull as dishwater.
biggest problem is that it's TOO DAMN BIG. They say that if
Merchandising had had their way, it would have been even bigger. There
is no forced perspective to bring it down to scale within its
surroundings, and it makes both the Mansion itself and what was formerly
called "Splash Mountain" look small. That is criminal.
Compare the
concept artwork with the actual thing. The painting gives you the
impression that the shop will be a modest structure tucked away beneath
the shadow of the magisterial Mansion. Instead we got this clumsy
behemoth shoehorned into the available space and big-footing the view on
that entire side.
The worst thing about it is what has been lost. One of the most beautiful vistas in the entire park has been destroyed, just so that they can sell a few more Jack Skellington mugs and tee-shirts.
THIS is unforgivable:
Gone. It's gone.
Look at it. Look what they destroyed. Shame on them.
Putting that building up was an act of vandalism. The only way to atone for this crime is to tear it down.
One could just weep. Some people have said, "Well yeah, it's true, the exterior is disappointing, but at least the interior is good." I disagree. Again, was there nobody on this team with any instinct at all for color? The concept art featured a palette built around the familiar green-and-magenta combination that spells spookiness like no other:
. . . and the trumpet . . .
. . . and the snare drum . . . .
When I saw that, my jaw dropped. It's a MODERN snare drum. To be precise, it's a PDP Concept Series 7x13 maple shell.
Call it "good-enough-ism." This is sloppy, cheap, and unworthy of a Disney production.
Some say, "So what. Who will notice?" I respond, "How many guests does
Disneyland have in a typical week? How many among those tens of
thousands are probably drummers? How many are at least in bands and know
what a modern drum kit looks like?" HUNDREDS of people are going to
notice. How hard would it have been to have someone at the model shop
whip up an antique-looking drum, or score one from a prop supply house?
Here's what should have been there:
Disneyland and the other parks used to be known for their attention to detail, including historically accurate detail. This stupid snare drum may be a small thing in itself, but it's a symptom of a bigger problem as well as just one more log on this particular fire.
I'm going to say it. Yes, I'm going to go there. If Walt saw this thing, people would be FIRED, and the bulldozers would be in there tomorrow. Somewhere Beyond can go . . . somewhere beyond. It needs to be torn down.
I couldn’t agree more about the gift shop. But then, this is The Bob Iger Company, the institution that’s removing all of Frontierland, Tom Sawyer’s Island, the Rivers of America, and the Riverboat to make space for… Cars.
ReplyDeleteAs a french guy: i've never experienced yet Disneyland in California. But ever since i saw the very early pictures of the new queue i was hopeful, telling myself "come on, it's a stage, they're not done working on it yet". And now that everything is finished, it just makes me sick. The mansions are the only ride that have so much attention to details and so many people loving the unconditionnaly. How in the world is it possible that noone in charge of those projects had our fondness for this ride ?
ReplyDeleteI understand that artistic visions and financial visions are different and the later said "no, and we'll do this and this instead" to the first to some extent. But on the long run they are only loosing everything that made this ride such an incredible, popular and loved experience.
I can hear all kind of arguments about sensitivities and risky stuff that was here before. And of course it's important to be relevant to the current guests in the parks. But ! Everything presented here looks so bland, lacking character, and removes he charm and the feeling of a real formerly used house by people having bought and placed their decorations.
Seing the Miss April portrait coming back i was excited to see that they were doing their best to improve and add stuff to the mansion just like it always had been there. And now they have almost completely broken my trust in them.
Thank you for your posts, it's always really interesting and enriching to read them !
You're welcome.
DeleteI don't believe you've ever commented on the MK Memento Mori gift shop. In light of recent atrocities, is there any chance you could be cajoled into "reviewing" it? I think it holds up pretty solidly by comparison.
ReplyDeleteI don't feel like I have enough info about MM to say anything useful about it. I usually leave comments on WDW to someone with first-hand experience of the place like Foxxy at the Passport to Dreams blog. (I've never been to Florida.) Also, it's a shop, not the Mansion, so that makes it twice removed from my usual bailiwick. I probably wouldn't have said much about MLSB at all if it were not directly impacting the Mansion itself, and I almost omitted the commentary on the inside of the building, but the inside does so little to justify the outside that it was worth reporting.
DeleteIs this HBG2 speaking? You appear to have commented anonymously.
ReplyDeleteIt's me. Sometimes Blogger does that, and I just go along with it.
DeleteSomewhere Beyond and other changes of the sort are always top-down catastrophes born from the fact that the corporate suits and managerial mops don't see what they make as 'art'. Quite literally, in the case of the AI art debacle that was thankfully called out and removed.
ReplyDeleteThere's also the fact that this whole thing was done locally, by DL, with minimal if any input from WDI, and I don't think they're up to tasks of this magnitude, frankly. They have an art director who has the job not because of proven art directorial skills but because of family history, in my opinion (and in the opinion of others, I do believe).
DeleteWDI Glendale having little to no input is flat out wrong. WDI Anaheim is a small group and doesn't staff it's own separate media/music production, illusioneering, or civil/mechanical/electrical engineering people on site. Those are all Glendale people.
DeleteMy inside sources say that this whole project did indeed originate locally, from WDI Anaheim. They may have staged the new bride for Glendale's review or solicited input from Glendale here and there, but it is still accurate to describe this whole panoply of changes and additions as the product of Anaheim WDI.
DeleteI was thinking maybe the interior of Somewhere Beyond was maybe drawing from Rolly’s chaotic coloring of the Museum of Weird art but…no, there’s just no excuse…
ReplyDeleteI’ve heard that the safe is supposed to be a reference to one of the iterations of the unused Captain Gore + Priscilla storyline where she dies via locked in a trunk/safe. It sounds like Kim is trying to push the “Gracey was a pirate captain” thing, but that isn’t nor ever was canon in the first place. So what is she trying to accomplish
ReplyDeleteThere is no version of the story in which Priscilla is locked in a safe.
DeleteTo play a little bit of Devil's advocate, there are/were buildings made of a similar design like MLSB back in the day, the best example being this antebellum barn built on the Redden Pittman House, ca. 1850 in Edgecombe County, NC. So the design of the shop can get a pass since it seems that the structure it's based on does go back to a time period fitting to the mansion, just that it got adapted over time for modern pre-built barns.
ReplyDeleteHowever, that's kind of where the leniency ends, since what I've come to find is that its for a BARN, rather than the supposed carriage house inspiration, which look nothing like when you look up pictures of actual carriage houses from back in the day. I think another issue that makes the gift shop stick out like a sore thumb is, in my opinion, the coloring of it. In their effort to match the colors of the mansion (off-white and a dark greyish-green), it causes the outside to look even more like its just a generic pre-built barn they got off at Home Depot.
I imagine it's close enough for DL to point to and try to use as a fig-leaf, but if that barn really is the "best example," then I still say the greater likelihood is that they simply borrowed the design from the Armstrong barn, since it's still a much closer match overall.
DeleteThat's... admittedly fair. Occam's Razor would indicate that they just took the modern barn design, and it being based off of an older design is just a happy accident they can ride on for any damage mitigation.
DeleteThank you for this post! I'm so sick of hearing excuses from cupcake apologists who keep insisting recent fan fiction is more important than what the original Imagineers presented in 1969.
ReplyDeleteIn defense of the shop, I've been there and in fact it feels small! Suppose it is big for the space– but it is *small* as a shop. They did well with their set dressing and even dedicated a large amount of square shop footage to an area dedicated to a Leota crystal ball. If it were actually the size reflected in the concept art, it would house the (likely conservative) stockroom and nothing more. The Cast were given a task and they made acceptable do with the elements provided.
ReplyDeleteOP, I adore you. But why say "all 64 of 'her' crayola" in your criticism rather than 'their?"
The problem overall is in relation to funding, not of talent. This is said with respect. Thank you.
I'm not HBG2 and certainly can't presume to speak for him, but I read the 'her' in that statement to refer to Kim Irvine.
DeleteYour "defense" of the shop only highlights ever further its obscene offensiveness. The barn design is calculated to make the building look BIGGER than it is, when something to make it look SMALLER was what was obviously called for. The lofty peak with its gothically pointed window and oversized eaves, in combination with the broad shoulders (one of them actually a colonnade but part of the illusion), give the impression of even greater size than actually exists there, as you observe. It helps to explain why this horrid thing so successfully destroys the forced perspective used in the Mansion façade and in Splash Mountain in order to make them look bigger than they are.